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Valid development permits ensure you can legally (and safely) carry out your proposed development project. Here at Planning Approval Group, we’re committed to driving client success and can help you with any of your development application and permit needs.
Before you can begin your newest development project, you’ll need permission from the relevant Government agencies. To do that, you’ll need to fill out and submit a development application.
Development applications contain a collection of documents that help support your development proposal. Those documents might include:
We highly recommend contacting us to determine the feasibility of your project and to identify the necessary information required to move forward.
Before approval, development applications undergo a series of verification stages. Those stages are as follows:
Development approvals can take anywhere between two months to six months plus to process. With our help, though, we’ll work to secure you a development permit sooner rather than later.
A development potential health check is an assessment of your site so that you understand the development opportunities and risk of your project before pushing through with your development application.
Want to learn more about development applications and permits? See below for some frequently asked questions and their answers.
Another term for development approval, development consent, refers to the council’s formal permission to proceed with the project.
As discussed above, council approval is required for all assessable developments. Assessable developments are code-assessed or impact-assessed. Code assessable developments can proceed without community consultation, impact accessible developments cannot. A code assessable development application that fits within the rules set out in the Planning Scheme can be assessed relatively quickly.
The Planning Act 2016 offers provisions to alter development permits. However, permission to implement any changes depends on the request's time and nature.
Yes, they can. Once you receive development approval, you’ll be given what’s known as a currency period. Development works must commence within this period. Failure to do so results in a lapse of approval, and you will have to begin the process again.
As town planning experts, our team can help get your development off the ground. We’ll not only liaise with you and any stakeholders, but we’ll help you draw up your application. We at Planning Approval Group use our years of experience to offer premium advice and tailored development solutions. Town planning is what we do, and so we’ll help you collect all of the information you need to help make your project a success. Get in touch with us today.
For more information about Planning Approval Group or to book your consultation with one of our town planning consultants, get in touch with our experienced and professional team today
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